New Wave - Film Brief
When analysing various new wave movements along with the films themselves, I found that they all shared a common theme. It appears as though their predominant aim was to highlight a specific social aspect and bring some awareness to the possibility of a counterculture. For my contextual analysis, I looked at Czechoslovakian New Wave and the found that the films produced within the movement portrayed a strong message about living under the confines of a Communist Government. Correspondingly, new waves of other cultures were also delivering similar messages in relation to their social conditions at the time.
Cinematically, many of the films opposed typical conventions, both in terms of the types of shots used and the editing style. Some conspicuously lacked any sense of continuity, disregarding techniques like eye-line match and making use of jump cuts, creating a disjointed and unconventional feel. This free editing style perfectly complimented the loosely structured narrative that many of these texts utilised.
With all of the above in mind, I intend to consider what areas of today's society I could possibly highlight and use to depict some form of counterculture. However, I also want to ensure that I do not produce a tightly structured narrative, instead I want to direct attention to the way the sequence is shot. Conceptually, I have the idea of looking at beauty ideals within today's society; in terms of shooting this, I intend to use the camera as a mirror, having the subject conduct some sort of beauty routine, make up or hair etc. In technical terms, to make this particularly appealing, the use of a shallow depth of field would be ideal in order to really isolate the subject. Similarly, the use of extreme close ups focusing upon the eye or the mouth area will be effective in delivering the conceptual element, as well as adding a great deal of visual diversity.
In terms of editing, this will provide the perfect opportunity to make use of jump cuts, in order to develop a sort of disorientated feel. I would intersect these shots with others, that are much more symbolic and indirect. In new wave I have found that although certain techniques look like they have been used purely for visual or aesthetic purposes, they in fact represent something much deeper, each shot - as unorthodox as it may appear - holds some sort of symbolic significance.
The visual style of new wave is very distinctive, with rough editing, use of natural lighting/settings and clear use of handheld cameras. The overall feel that these films conceive results in a raw appeal, which offers something fresh and youthful to the world of cinema. Hence a majority of the films were accepted amongst an audience that consisted mainly of young adults. The directors themselves were relatively young too and this was made apparent by the content of many of the films, as they were quite radical in nature. Therefore, I would like to aim my sequence towards a younger audience, hence I will allude towards certain topics that are relevant amongst the youthful generation of our society.
Visually, I plan to shoot and edit in accordance with past new wave movements so that I can authentically portray the effect of these rather alternative films. I will shoot without the use of a tripod and incorporate such edits as jump cuts, in order to show a contrast between the typical conventions of cinema and new wave.
In addition, I intend to keep a very loose structure in terms of narrative; in order to do this I would like to maintain a surreal and almost hypnagogic style, which I have recognised as a key feature particularly in Czech new wave. Yet at the same time, I intend to touch upon specific themes in society. My ultimate aim, is to create a short film that holds visual depth through the use of symbolic imagery and by doing this, the audience will be able to derive their own interpretation of the film by what they can identify most with.
Cinematically, many of the films opposed typical conventions, both in terms of the types of shots used and the editing style. Some conspicuously lacked any sense of continuity, disregarding techniques like eye-line match and making use of jump cuts, creating a disjointed and unconventional feel. This free editing style perfectly complimented the loosely structured narrative that many of these texts utilised.
With all of the above in mind, I intend to consider what areas of today's society I could possibly highlight and use to depict some form of counterculture. However, I also want to ensure that I do not produce a tightly structured narrative, instead I want to direct attention to the way the sequence is shot. Conceptually, I have the idea of looking at beauty ideals within today's society; in terms of shooting this, I intend to use the camera as a mirror, having the subject conduct some sort of beauty routine, make up or hair etc. In technical terms, to make this particularly appealing, the use of a shallow depth of field would be ideal in order to really isolate the subject. Similarly, the use of extreme close ups focusing upon the eye or the mouth area will be effective in delivering the conceptual element, as well as adding a great deal of visual diversity.
In terms of editing, this will provide the perfect opportunity to make use of jump cuts, in order to develop a sort of disorientated feel. I would intersect these shots with others, that are much more symbolic and indirect. In new wave I have found that although certain techniques look like they have been used purely for visual or aesthetic purposes, they in fact represent something much deeper, each shot - as unorthodox as it may appear - holds some sort of symbolic significance.
The visual style of new wave is very distinctive, with rough editing, use of natural lighting/settings and clear use of handheld cameras. The overall feel that these films conceive results in a raw appeal, which offers something fresh and youthful to the world of cinema. Hence a majority of the films were accepted amongst an audience that consisted mainly of young adults. The directors themselves were relatively young too and this was made apparent by the content of many of the films, as they were quite radical in nature. Therefore, I would like to aim my sequence towards a younger audience, hence I will allude towards certain topics that are relevant amongst the youthful generation of our society.
Visually, I plan to shoot and edit in accordance with past new wave movements so that I can authentically portray the effect of these rather alternative films. I will shoot without the use of a tripod and incorporate such edits as jump cuts, in order to show a contrast between the typical conventions of cinema and new wave.
In addition, I intend to keep a very loose structure in terms of narrative; in order to do this I would like to maintain a surreal and almost hypnagogic style, which I have recognised as a key feature particularly in Czech new wave. Yet at the same time, I intend to touch upon specific themes in society. My ultimate aim, is to create a short film that holds visual depth through the use of symbolic imagery and by doing this, the audience will be able to derive their own interpretation of the film by what they can identify most with.
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